All these words
were written by
A girl

Chelle/Female/21-25. Lives in San Diego, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Music /Theatre.

For the last 3 days, my horoscope* has gone a little something like this.

*[disclaimer: I am NOT a huge believer in horoscopes, but I found this way too.. ironic, I guess.]

12 Dec 02: You see your objective even though you can't reach it. Chaos can be made to work in your favor if you know the right magic words.

13 Dec 02: The answer to a riddle appears out of the chaos. You may not like what you see, but at least the nature of the obstacle is revealed.

14 Dec 02: You're still in the same place, but your perspective is different. This journey happens one step at a time.

Somebody tell me what the right magic words are.

Listening to: The Lyndsay Diaries - Dear Lyndsay, No Regrets
Recently downloaded: The Lyndsay Diaries - A Farewell to Autumn
Thinking of: getting my hair cut.. yay

14 Dec 02
1058 hours

<< yesterday // today // tomorrow >>

email - profile -aim - guestbook -old - dland

and 2 years later... - 11 January 2005
Chance Encounters - 05 April 2003
A month in the life - 07 March 2003
Skool - 28 January 2003
Worst 3 hours - 19 January 2003

"I have no doubt
that it is part of the destiny of the human race
in its gradual improvement
to leave off eating animals.."
-HD Thoreau

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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