All these words
were written by
A girl

Chelle/Female/21-25. Lives in San Diego, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Music /Theatre.

Merry Christmas, everyone. I sincerely hope yours was happy.

Xmas here was pretty neat. Everyone got some neat toys. Here's a short list of mine:

1. Cranium
2. A gift certificate to Hot Topic
3. A gift cert to Starbucks
4. A tee-shirt that says "Emo is Awesome" [haha]
5. A Spongebob calender, Spongebob lip gloss, Spongebob undies, and Patrick dudes to go on my shoelaces
6. A vegan cookbook
7. A black scarf
8. A Stitch stuffed animal
9. A Moulin Rouge movie poster
10. The American Idol DVD
11. A car visor CD holder

I got some other stuff too.. getting stuff is cool, but definitely not the coolest part of Christmas.

I totally love being lazy and doing nothing all day on Xmas. I sat around in my jammies all day. I played with Nattie and Sam and all their little kid toys. Muy Bueno. Lindsay and I hit up the movies tonite. We saw Catch Me if You Can. Definitely A+! Adam was gonna' come but he was feeling all lame 'cuz of some gross vegan eggnog that he drank.

Xmas eve was pretty rockin'. I finished up my 11th hour shopping, and wrapped a crapload of stuff. I went and hung out with Adam at like, 7. We chilled and watched CKY2K. Then we went and ate at Mandarin Dynasty. It's a pretty rockin' chinese place.. mostly b/c the entire first page of the menu is vegetarian/vegan. After dinner, we were gonna' go somewhere and take pics, but we decided against that in favor of being lazy and watching movies. We totally got down with The Wizard of Oz! He laughed at me when the munchkins part came on and I hit him. [haha] I'm tuff like that. After The Wizard, we watched the last half of Meet the Parents and then the Ellen Degeneres stand-up on HBO. Then, since it was like.. 3AM, I took off. Adam was totally the first person to wish me a merry Xmas. That's pretty neat.

I locked my keys in my car a few nites ago at Taco Motion. haha, I'm a lametard. It was totally Josh's fault. I was pulling into Taco Motion as Josh was calling me to ask me where I was, so I answered my phone as I was getting out of the car [without my keys] and then I just shut the door. We're leaving, and Adam's all.. "Wanna' hit up Starbucks?" And I'm all "Sure.. that'd be great if my keys weren't in the ignition." haha.. so, we dropped Josh off, went to Starbucks, and came to my house to get my extra keys. Adam came in and met the rat dog. For some completely off the wall reason, the rat dog LOVES Adam. Like, totally adores him. They're having a love affair. Send me your addy if you want an invite to the wedding. Anyway, then we went to Wal Mart to buy hangers, and then allll the way back to Taco Motion in Pacific Beach to get my car.

And now, it is totally bedtime. Gotta' get my rest so I can be totally energized and ready to spend money at Hot Topic tomorrow. You're all jealous, huh?

Listening to: Weezer - Video Killed the Radio Star
Recently downloaded: Wayne - Whisper [get it. now.]
Thinking of: it's totally almost 2003

25 Dec 02
2329 hours

<< yesterday // today // tomorrow >>

email - profile -aim - guestbook -old - dland

and 2 years later... - 11 January 2005
Chance Encounters - 05 April 2003
A month in the life - 07 March 2003
Skool - 28 January 2003
Worst 3 hours - 19 January 2003

"I have no doubt
that it is part of the destiny of the human race
in its gradual improvement
to leave off eating animals.."
-HD Thoreau

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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