All these words
were written by
A girl

Chelle/Female/21-25. Lives in San Diego, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Music /Theatre.

Well, I really have done a whole lotta' nothing in the past few days. I am quite the boring person these days. I haven't even worked a whole lot. I called into work on Tuesday. Here is the reason. They wanted me to work at the San Carlos Petco at 7 AM. SEVEN AM, even. I hardly even think so. So, I called at like, 7:10 AM and was all.. "I'm sick, yo." Anyone that expects me to do anything at 7 AM needs to recognize and think again.

Thank the LORD that Disneyland is the day after tomorrow. 3 days away from skool, work, and everything else will be so excellent, I might not know what to do with myself.

OHHH... Counting Crows are coming to MY town! Adam and I are gonna' be rockin' out to CC on 13 Dec. I'm so beyond psyched. My favorite band with my favorite boy.

My baby girl, Sara turned 23 the other day. Wow.. that's so hard to believe. I remember when Sar and I were 16. SIXTEEN. We have grown up so much.. and the best part is.. we have grown up together. I hope she knows how unbelieveably proud I am of her.

I think I'll go talk to Adam some more and then go to bed. Sleep is cool.

Currently reading: my script! ugghh.
Listening to: Something Corporate - Constantine
Thinking of: Adam leaves in 6 days

14 Nov 02
0037 hours

<< yesterday // today // tomorrow >>

email - profile -aim - guestbook -old - dland

and 2 years later... - 11 January 2005
Chance Encounters - 05 April 2003
A month in the life - 07 March 2003
Skool - 28 January 2003
Worst 3 hours - 19 January 2003

"I have no doubt
that it is part of the destiny of the human race
in its gradual improvement
to leave off eating animals.."
-HD Thoreau

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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