All these words
were written by
A girl

Chelle/Female/21-25. Lives in San Diego, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Music /Theatre.

I have found that one of the most heartbreaking moments in a life occurs when you are walking away from someone you know you should not be walking away from. So, you stop in your tracks and turn around thinking "if he's turning around to see if I'm turning around, I will go to him." But all you see is him walking away from you. So, you turn around and just as you start walking, he stops in his tracks and turns around in hopes of seeing you smile and run to him.

Only all he sees is you walking away.

09 Jan 03
1149 hours

<< yesterday // today // tomorrow >>

email - profile -aim - guestbook -old - dland

and 2 years later... - 11 January 2005
Chance Encounters - 05 April 2003
A month in the life - 07 March 2003
Skool - 28 January 2003
Worst 3 hours - 19 January 2003

"I have no doubt
that it is part of the destiny of the human race
in its gradual improvement
to leave off eating animals.."
-HD Thoreau

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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