All these words
were written by
A girl

Chelle/Female/21-25. Lives in San Diego, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Music /Theatre.

JourneyOnn: haha.. we are way too much the same.
LifeHasNoValue: yeah totally...and way too totally sweet.
JourneyOnn: We're gonna' be the 2 coolest kids ever to hit San Diego..
JourneyOnn: Me may just have to become mayors.. or maybe even presidents.
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha...cali is just going to sink finally.
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha ha ha...exactly...maybe even world wide dictators...
JourneyOnn: haha.. or maybe we'll just become Gods.
LifeHasNoValue: mmm...i can see that...i want to be the GODXOFXDOOM.
JourneyOnn: 'kay.. as long as I can be the GODXOFXDESTRUCTION.
LifeHasNoValue: got it.
JourneyOnn: The Gods of D&D. hehe..
LifeHasNoValue: we are so tuff and cool.
JourneyOnn: You should also be the GODXOFSCANDAL and I'll be the GODXOFXMALICE. Then we can be the Gods of S&M.. hahaha.
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha...that too.
LifeHasNoValue: everyone is probably really jealous of us...
JourneyOnn: Oh, totally. Even those who don't know our powers yet are probably green with envy.
LifeHasNoValue: yeah really...they just know.
LifeHasNoValue: god...sometimes i see people out in public that aren't us and i know what i have to do...kill them.
JourneyOnn: 'cuz it's just THAT obvious. We just reek of coolness.
LifeHasNoValue: to say the very least.
JourneyOnn: haha. And just imagine, if we're this cool with 3K miles b/w us.. imagine how cool we'll be in the SAME city.
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha...the universe will probably just give up and implode. (it will be jealous too)
JourneyOnn: I'm just gonna' call you and be like.. "I can't stand being the only super-cool God around here. Come over so we can pool our cool hipness."
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha ha...yeah totally...we can just own everything.
JourneyOnn: haha.. And then we'll just be left standing in a big black void. hehe.. And then...... we shall recreate the world!
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha ha...yeah a totally sweet world though...
JourneyOnn: Yeah.. but how would we find cool people to inhabit our sweet new world?
LifeHasNoValue: um...hmmm...i'm not sure...*pondering*
JourneyOnn: We may get tired trying to produce them.. haha.
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha...totally.
LifeHasNoValue: maybe we can just do magic tricks and then maybe...
JourneyOnn: haha.. maybe we'll just develop new super personalities.. and then we can still inhabit our own sweet world alone.. but if we get bored with ourseves we can become someone else just as super!
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha ha...yeah that sounds reasonable...then would could destroy our original selves to show ourselves how cool we are.
JourneyOnn: haha.. but our original selves would be cool enuff to recreate themselves.. then we might have an inter-world war with our own alter-egos.
LifeHasNoValue: ha least we would be entertained...because war owns...
JourneyOnn: And of course, our original selves would rule all.. 'cuz you can never come close to duplicationg an original.. especially when the original is.. US!
LifeHasNoValue: yeah...we would be constantly jealous or the original uses...ha...we would always try to kill ourselves...
JourneyOnn: haha.. but would that be suicide or homicide?
LifeHasNoValue: be the judge...
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha.
JourneyOnn: haha.. sure, leave all the hard decisions to me. :-)
LifeHasNoValue: i would always try to lie to myself and fight with myself...ha ha.
JourneyOnn: haha... you know what's funny? Anyone else reading this conversation would probably send us to shrinks.. haha.
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha...they would have to...cuz they would feel so cheap for not being a part of it.
JourneyOnn: Yeah.. and then they'd go home and cry.. and in their prayers, they would ask God (or maybe one of us?) to make them into something even closely resembling one of us.
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha...they would be all: god of doom and god of destruction or G.O.D.'S please make me less pathetic than i am...
JourneyOnn: haha.. please give my meanial existence some sort of purpose.
LifeHasNoValue: yeah...and we would be are gods and all...but somethings are just not possible...
JourneyOnn: haha. Yeah, and nothing is out of our hands, but some things are just not worth our time. Next please.
LifeHasNoValue: ha serving # 3354445432
JourneyOnn: hahaha. We'll have a sign that says.. G.O.D.s 3354445432 served. 0 transformed. Don't waste your time.
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha ha ha ha...that is perfect.
JourneyOnn: Of course, we may have to get married.. unless we find other people who are worthy of sharing our names. haha..
LifeHasNoValue: mmm...this is a definite possibility...
JourneyOnn: But we can never have kids since they may be a threat to us.. they may challenge us thinking that they are somewhat as cool as us.. hehehe.
LifeHasNoValue: mmm...we learned that from our greek god forebearers...ha ha.
JourneyOnn: haha.. most definitely. But we are cooler than them too, anyway..
LifeHasNoValue: yeah...cuz we are still around...where are they??? whut!
JourneyOnn: haha.. bow down damn posers.
LifeHasNoValue: what a bunch of lameatoids...they need to see our prowess!
JourneyOnn: Man.. if they were still around, I'd make them see it.. or else they'd be in 10 worlds of hurt.
LifeHasNoValue: yeah...we would make them die for like 10 years straight...
JourneyOnn: haha.. and then we'd resurrect them just so we can make them die again!
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha ha...just to show them who's boss.
JourneyOnn: As if they didn't already know! hehe..
LifeHasNoValue: they are just a bunch of total lametards...they need to recognize again and again...
JourneyOnn: .. and then again just for good measure.
JourneyOnn: I really don't think I am gonna' get this 3rd paper written.. lol.
LifeHasNoValue: writing papers is so weak.
JourneyOnn: I'm almost done with the 2nd one.. but the Oedipus/Hamlet one is looming..
JourneyOnn: Gods shouldn't have to write papers!
JourneyOnn: My teachers need to recognize..
LifeHasNoValue: you should just destroy them for even attempting.
JourneyOnn: Most definitely. They won't know what's comin'.
LifeHasNoValue: those fools...if they had only listened.
JourneyOnn: Messing with the G.O.D.s .. that's like playing with fire, getting burned, and then continuing to play!
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha ha...yeah...or like trying to fuck with dre...cuz when you dis dre you dis yourself...
JourneyOnn: hahaha. D - O - double G - Y, D - O - double G, ya see.
LifeHasNoValue: mmm...the chronic = so good...

JourneyOnn: I have a huge problem with people who hunt.. so I had to clear that up now.. hehe.
LifeHasNoValue: me too...usually i go hunting for hunters...they wear those bright orange jackets and it makes it so easy...
JourneyOnn: hehe... usually you have to attract them with a scent.. so maybe if we spray stale body odor and the scent of redneck ass on ourselves, we'll bag us some!
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha...that would be so gross...we could strap them to our cars and mount their heads on the wall...
JourneyOnn: hahaha. Totally. Our place might smell bad tho.. with all those heads on the wall.. hehe.
LifeHasNoValue: mmm...this is true...we could polyeurathane them...
JourneyOnn: Yes! And we could engrave fancy name plaques.. that say "Cledus" and "Jed."
JourneyOnn: "The head of Jed" hehe..
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha ha...cledus and jed...those are perfect hunter names...
JourneyOnn: hehe.. oh, and Jethro, too.
LifeHasNoValue: oooh...yes...and maybe elsa may for one of the females...
JourneyOnn: hahaha. Or Bessie.
LifeHasNoValue: ha ha...god...i hate those fools...

JourneyOnn: Hellz yeah. Okay, so what the hell is with the paper-clip dude who just chills on my screen in Microsoft word? lol..
LifeHasNoValue: that paper clip guy is such a sucka...he gets no love. always trying to tell you what to do...GIVE HIM THE CHAIR!!!
JourneyOnn: Nail him to the cross!! haha.. He's seriosuly a bitch. ALWAYS wanting to tell you what you're doing wrong.. throwing his annoying pop-up boxes in your face. He will burn. haha..
LifeHasNoValue: he = i have a master plan to eliminate him through a well thought out 10 step process...vengeance will be mine!!!

You ALL wish you were like me and Adam. Bow down in the presence of greatness.

Currently reading: Adam's IMs
Listening to: Finch - Awake
Thinking of: getting up at 8am. Lame.

21 Oct 02
2443 hours

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and 2 years later... - 11 January 2005
Chance Encounters - 05 April 2003
A month in the life - 07 March 2003
Skool - 28 January 2003
Worst 3 hours - 19 January 2003

"I have no doubt
that it is part of the destiny of the human race
in its gradual improvement
to leave off eating animals.."
-HD Thoreau

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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